Family Sponsorship Application

Spousal/ Common-law Partner/ Conjugal Partner Sponsorship

Canadians and Permanent Residents can apply for sponsorship for their life partners. This person can be the individual’s married spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner. Married spouses must be for marriages that are recognized by Canadian standards. Common-Law partners are for individuals who have lived together with their significant other for at least one year. Conjugal relationships are relationships for at least one year but could not live with the sponsor as a couple because of reasons beyond their control.

Other minimal requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents

  • living in Canada (at the very least at the time when the person sponsored will be living in Canada)

  • Not receiving social assistance, other than help with disability.

  • Able to financially provide for the needs of the person sponsored

  • have declared bankruptcy which has not been discharged

  • were convicted of an offence of a sexual nature, a violent crime, an offence against a relative that caused bodily harm or threatened or attempted to commit any of the above offences—depending on the nature of the offence, how long ago it happened and if you received a pardon

  • were previously sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada less than five years ago

  • are under a removal order,

  • are in a penitentiary, jail, reformatory or prison,

  • have already applied to sponsor your current spouse or partner and haven’t received a decision.

The largest barrier most people have is convincing immigration officers that their relationship is not one of convenience for the purpose of just getting the applicant a permanent residence.

There are additional categories such as applying for a spouse while they are in Canada and outside of Canada. There are significant consequences in such a decision.

Parent Sponsorship

A Parent Sponsorship application currently has a cap on how many applications they accept every year and most recently the cap had been reach within a day. It is important that applications are properly done and submitted as soon as possible as the margin for error is small. A qualified immigration lawyer can assist to make sure the appropriate steps are taken to submit the application as quickly as possible and have the appropriate information submitted.

 At Axon Law, we will for Family Sponsorships:

  • Assess the likelihood of success and point out weaknesses that need to be addressed in your application

  • provide a game plan for what should be submitted as proof alongside the application

  • make sure the correct forms are used as application forms are constantly updated without warning from the government

  • make sure even the most irrelevant details are correct on your forms and that all answers are completed in full detail

  • prepare a detailed narrative of your love story with information we anticipate immigration officers will look for

  • make sure the process happens as quickly as possible

  • make sure that the best categories are applied for

  • provide good communication throughout the entire process

Any legal information or advice provided is only up to date as of January 2020. 

Arrange For A Consultation Today

Call us at 780-752-2966 today. You can also schedule a consultation by sending us an email or through the convenient e-form below.